Friday, September 18, 2009


I believe that what makes us move and do certain things is because of our priority.  Longman Dictionary of Contemporay English defined it as "the thing that you think is most important and that needs attention before anything else;to know what is most important and needs attention first".

So Friends, what is that thing that is most important to you? Hmm...I want you to give an honest self examination. Take the next 60 seconds and ponder on this before you read on.  It may be one of the most defining 60 seconds of the year. glad you've done that. I would like to call it the Power Principle of Priority because it is what defines how we face our daily lives.  It is what we think as the most important and we give our undivided attention to per time.  Well, for me, my priority is The Kingdom of God, yeah....that's it The Kingdom of Heaven. 

For me, life on earth is actually meant to be lived as ambassadors of a foreign country, trying to impact and influence the earth with the culture, lifestyle,power and influence of that home country.  We'v heard of songs like "This world is not my home,am just passing through" ,by Jimm Reeves and countless others that attest to the fact that life on earth is temporal.

Since life on earth is temoporal, then, it behoves on us the importance of prioritizing every aspect of our life. Infact you should be able to defined in clear terms what your priority in life is; Is it to make money, ride big and latest cars, having superfluous wealth such that you can't keep track of your bank balance? What is that priority? Please, friends, define  your priority and keep working at it.

In concluding for now...Our master and friend,said "Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and all other things shall be added unto you", that I believe should be the priority of every human being on the face of the earth: That is the koko, the real-deal, the Ultimate and True Priority.

Recommended Reading: Kingdom Principles, God's Big Idea (Myles Munroe)