Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Peak Performance is something I would like to describe as the full use of ones potential. It is a state of absolute dexterity in carrying out one's duties as a result of constant practice and a deep sense of purpose and drive for achievment. Peak Performers are those that always want to be in the high enchelon on their desired profession.

Peak performance is a word that has to do with how a person decides to set high standards for himself and does everything possible to the best of his abilities to achieve these set standards. Achieving peak performance is by no means a small feat, you have to be up to it every second and everyday! I want you to settle it in your heart that henceforth, you'll become a peak performer in your field.

The steps needed to attain performance are quite many and challenging when compared to our ordinary disposition as individuals. Funny enough they are things we are usually used to,I mean, the concepts are not entirely new to you but the question is that of...have you been practising them? Are you willing to make certain sacrifices? and place higher demands on your use of time and resources at your disposal.

Here are some essentials for peak performance:

a) You must be an individual with high drive for success.You must have a burning desire to succeed. You should sleep,eat,walk and talk about your goals, your goals should be your obsession. And just like Mike Murdock puts it "In order to succeed your assignment must become an obsession".

b) You must have clearly written down goals that are Specific,Measurable,Achievable,Realistic and Time-bound (S.M.A.R.T Goals).
A man without a goal is like a ship without a destination, it would end up nowhere.

c) You must have a vision for your life that your daily activities are constantly moving you towards. Without vision, no great feats are attained.Without vision,getting out of bed in the morning becomes very cumbersome.

d) Who are your reference points? Who are those you usually associate with? Who are your mentors in business and in faith? You eventually become like your mentors. So watch those to whom you allow to speak into your life.

e) You need a daily communion with the giver of your dreams. Your spiritual life should be sound. After all, things in the spirit controls those in the physical. You need direction and instruction for every aspect of the journey.

I hope you enjoyed this. See you soon. Take charge! You're to strong to loose.

Recommended Reading:Awakening the Giant Within,Unlimited Power (Anthony Robbins),Maximizing Your Potential (Myles Munroe)

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

THE ZEST FOR SUCCESS: Keeping your eyes on the prize

Hello friends,I noticed recently some very funny trend in a man's life, especially as he begins to aspire to become someone of influence and significance. I noticed that it's not always that you are motivated to keep working at your goal! It's not always that you feel like getting up by 2 am and pick up that book and begin to read for that professional exam...hmmm... it's not everytime.

So, the question I ask is this: What would you do to keep your motivation levels at peak point and hence sustain your steady approach to achieving your goals and aspirations? I feel this is profoundly important that one addresses this issue,especially when you know that you are cut-out to achieve great and lofty ideals in life. You need to stay motivated and have enough firepower in your armory in order to win this battle of life.

I believe that to sustain your motivation level requires you keeping your goals ever before you. Now this may sound simple but believe me, it's one of the most difficult things you'll every try doing. I believe to keep your focus you need to have what I call a Zest for success- that is, you should be able to have an overwhelming burning desire that totally consumes you with a sense of purpose and mission as your goals. You should be resolutely sold to your course believing in no other possibilities than a resounding success.

The zest for success is achieved by constantly digesting materials that feed your mind. You need to get every page of inspirational writings and motivational tapes you can lay hold on, because, the more fired you are, the greater the level of zest you feel towards achieving your best. So, the steps are actually what we must have been familiar to from our previous teachings on these series.

Remember the greatest secret in the world? We become what we think about! Where you are now have a direct relation of how you see yourself and the type of work you do. So how big is your dream?

See you at the very top! Take Charge!

Recommended Reading: Success is who you are (Sam Adeyemi)

Thursday, July 15, 2010

FAILURE IS NOT AN OPTION: Getting your priorities right

Hello there, you are welcome to another time of "Inspiring Moments" with John Obuku. It's been quiet a while and goosh! what a big break! Am really glad to be back.

Over the past few months I have been going through certain things and have come to learn some very valuable life lessons...see friends, it's not just about talking the talk but it's really about walking the walk. In life you've got to match your actions with your words because it's your actions that actually determines who you really are.

Have you ever been in situations when it seems as if all you've planned for seem not to be coming to pass? When it actually seems as if you are between the devil and the deep blue sea? Those dark moments when you actually question your dreams and aspirations and ask if they are realistic and possible to happen in your life? Does that sounds familiar...hmmm...friends, you are not alone. Here's the good news...failure is not an option!

For the fact that you've envisioned yourself succeeding in proof that He who has shown you the picture of your future is more than able to fulfill it. He would not show you what He cannot bring to pass in your life. Those dreams are possible that's why He planted them into your heart. The real challenge here is that "do you believe you can still acheive those lofty goals despite the present circumstances surrounding you?".

I believe in order to succeed, an individual have to get his/her priorities right! You have to exclusively believe that what you've dreamt of is what you are going to get! It's called persistence,faith,burning desire, undying have to clearly settle it in your heart that success is the only option you have. You were sent here on earth for something significant...reach for it...believe it...act towards it... get connected to the giver of your dreams and you can't fail...

See you at the very top! Take Charge!

Recommended Reading: It's Not Over Till It's Over (Matthew Ashimolowo)