Friday, January 14, 2011

STARTING THE YEAR ON HIGH: Tips on setting out on the right foot!

Hello friends, it's a wonderful year, a brilliant one we all are hoping it would turn out to be. Glory be to God! I want to say congrats to you all for making it thus far, the fact that you're reading this is proof that you overcame so many obstacles to get here! You're a champion!

I believe for this year to be an outstanding one, there is need for adequate preparation! For you to get results this year, you must be ready to put in hard work! Like one of my mentors,Timothy Clement, said this morning,"there is no substitute for hardwork this year! Not even prayers only!". I totally agree, you must be ready to work like you've never prayed and pray like you've never worked, in essence, there need to be balance in all your endeavours this year!

Here are some thought provoking questions for you:
1)What are you willing to give up in other to get that thing you're believing God for this year 2011?
2)How many souls (non-believers)are you ready to win for the Kingdom of Heaven this year? Because I believe that the priority of your life should be the Kingdom. Matthew 6:33!
3)Are you willing to change and become a better person than the one you were last year?
4) By December 31st 2011, what are those things that you are committed to have acheived in your personal,family and spiritual life?
5) What is that singular thing ( or things) that is currently stopping you from taking the necessary actions to be all the best that you can be?

Ponder on these for now! This is a year of humility,activity and responsibility! I'll see you at the top!

Recommended Reading: The Impossible is Possible (John Mason)

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John Obuku. Music*Teachings*Books