Tuesday, September 14, 2010

WEALTH BUILDING PLAN: The gateway out of poverty

The issue of financial freedom is one that should be systematically dealt with. You cannot be financially free if you don't have a financial-get-away plan! Wealth building is a process, it's not one get-rich-quick formular that people are usually hoping and praying to have.

It's amazing to know the number of people who go through life just believing for a lucky-break or a financial wind-fall in order to make it in life! Whereas, all the wealth-building plans I've been priviledged to come across has alot to do with hard work, and not mere day-dreaming and wishful thinking of some lazy minds and hands!

A Wealth-Building-Plan is one that has been tested and proven to work,and which produces durable wealth. It is a plan designed to create financial discipline and a systematic way of saving and investing one's income. The truth has to be said that becoming rich is not an over-night thing that's why it is called a "building plan". It really has to do with a lot of hard work,planning,implementation,diversification and re-planning, really wealth-building is not for the faint-hearted!

You have to actually build and grow your wealth. So if you are looking for a truly lasting riches, be ready to build it and forget about all these get-rich-quick schemes you see around.

In this episodes of "Wealth Building Plans", I'll be sharing some formulars and various plans that wealthy individuals have put into practice and has yielded results for them. So relax and really follow me on these series, you won't regret you did.

So, till next time take charge!

Recommended Reading: The Conspiracy of the Rich,Retire Young,Retire Rich(Robert Kiyosaki),Rich Woman (Kim Kiyosaki)

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