Tuesday, July 27, 2010

THE ZEST FOR SUCCESS: Keeping your eyes on the prize

Hello friends,I noticed recently some very funny trend in a man's life, especially as he begins to aspire to become someone of influence and significance. I noticed that it's not always that you are motivated to keep working at your goal! It's not always that you feel like getting up by 2 am and pick up that book and begin to read for that professional exam...hmmm... it's not everytime.

So, the question I ask is this: What would you do to keep your motivation levels at peak point and hence sustain your steady approach to achieving your goals and aspirations? I feel this is profoundly important that one addresses this issue,especially when you know that you are cut-out to achieve great and lofty ideals in life. You need to stay motivated and have enough firepower in your armory in order to win this battle of life.

I believe that to sustain your motivation level requires you keeping your goals ever before you. Now this may sound simple but believe me, it's one of the most difficult things you'll every try doing. I believe to keep your focus you need to have what I call a Zest for success- that is, you should be able to have an overwhelming burning desire that totally consumes you with a sense of purpose and mission as your goals. You should be resolutely sold to your course believing in no other possibilities than a resounding success.

The zest for success is achieved by constantly digesting materials that feed your mind. You need to get every page of inspirational writings and motivational tapes you can lay hold on, because, the more fired you are, the greater the level of zest you feel towards achieving your best. So, the steps are actually what we must have been familiar to from our previous teachings on these series.

Remember the greatest secret in the world? We become what we think about! Where you are now have a direct relation of how you see yourself and the type of work you do. So how big is your dream?

See you at the very top! Take Charge!

Recommended Reading: Success is who you are (Sam Adeyemi)

1 comment:

  1. hmmmm! this is cool. omo labi iwe la ri!


John Obuku. Music*Teachings*Books