Friday, March 16, 2018


Hello friends, its been quiet a while since I update my blog. So much has happened over thee years. I have grown, matured and still maturing in certain aspects ofy life. Since today is my birthday just thought I should renew the passion to write on this blog, I've been doing so much on Facebook, so much. So what are the thoughts that I want to pass across to you? Hmmm, they are so many. I will try and be concise ; ~try and have a relationship with God. This is the most singular thing that is guaranteed to transform your life forever ~ Read and study materials that develop your mental alertness and your IQ in general. Thr ore you know the more you can help others, the more you can teach your children. ~ Find your purpose in Life. Fine something big enough to live and die for. Make an impact on this earth. If I should type your name into Google Search Engine, what would be the search results ? What are you about? What legacy are you setting and leaving behind? These and many more you should be and do. Be a better version of yourself as the years go by. I will see you at the top. Recommended Reading : Understanding your Potential by Myles Munroe; Goals by Brian Tracy.

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John Obuku. Music*Teachings*Books