Tuesday, October 13, 2009


I have a saying for giving meaning to the word "life", it goes like this: "Life is not supposed to be lived like 'anywhere belle face' but as 'as I plan am no so I go do am'",  that's a Nigerian slang for saying " you should not live life based on impulse but it should be a well-thought out process that is planned and constantly monitored and pursued".  Being a person of influence means just that.

I believe God sent us into the world to fulfill a particular assignment.  That has alot to do with our purpose... by now, you should have settled the "purpose issue", if you have not, get this book "Purpose-Driven Life" by  Rick Warren, it is a highly recommended reading for any serious-minded person, believe me, that's one book you wouldn't want to miss reading!

Your goal in life should be to make a difference in your world, to be a man or woman of influence,despite your demographics and religious beliefs, you should be a person of influence, positive influence that is.  You were created to provide a solution to things in life,to be a reason why someone should smile, to be the hope of a family. Friends, you have a use! Common, get a life! You get one when you can say for sure, this is my definate purpose in life, and you are obviously living it. Your purpose should be a positive contribution to humanity.

When you discover your purpose and busy fulfilling it, men would come and look for you.  Trust me,a tree is so powerful that when it starts to bear it's fruit, you have to go to it in order to eat its fruit: meaning your purpose can actually become the greatest streams of income of your life!  If you really want to be successful, find something you are passionate about and commercialize it. hmm...hmm...because we really only appreciate something when it comes down to financial terms but really really...that's one of the keys to great wealth!

In concluding for now...it would be a tragedy if you go through this our modern jet age where there is actually an information overload and not become a person of influence... research on your area of interests, buy tapes,attend seminars,take courses and in all, do whatever it takes to upgrade,update and upload all the information you need to make it to your glorious future!

I believe in your future! It is real! I can see it , can you see it? T-A-K-E  C-H-A-R-G-E !!

Recommended Reading: Law of Recognition ,The Assignment (Mike Murdock), The Glory of Living (Myles Munroe),Ideas Rule the World,Success is Who You Are (Sam Adeyemi)