Tuesday, October 30, 2012
In life, there are always defining moments, and yours comes when you decide that you're fed-up of your present circumstances and you want something different: When you decide to take a stand for what you believe and what you really want in your life! No great achievement in life will come through any other route. You just have to come to the point when you say, enough is enough and you want something different and you want to get what you have been dreaming about for some many years.
You see,friends, it doesn't matter how lofty your dreams are, if you fail to get to that position when you take a resolute,confident and stubborn stand for what you really want, nothing real would happen. What are those dreams that you've been keeping in the "pipeline" for years? What are those visions,projects that are have been and still burning in your heart, that you would really love to establish and accomplish? I want to announce to you that they are REAL, you're dreams are TRUE. The question really is, do you have the courage to establish them? What price are you willing to pay to see them come to pass?
No matter how big your dreams are, God is bigger than them!
No matter how crazy and seemingly impossible they appear, God can surpass them!
No matter how long it's been on your mind, God can bring it to pass with just one phone call!
No matter how cashless,helpless and hopeless it seems, God is there to fulfill it!
Just believe! Just believe in Him, the only thing He really requires from you is your believe that He can do ALL things for you and fulfill all your dreams and give you the desired future of your dreams!
You will make it! You'll not fail!
Recommended Reading: You Can Will ( Shev Khiera), Inspiring Moments (John Obuku)
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
GET YOUR PRAISE ON -Winning the battles of life through praise
It's a lovely day,democracy day here in Nigeria, God bless Nigeria. It's a time where Nigerians celebrate their hard earned democracy. God bless Nigeria. So, it's also a time to share a very special secret that I've discovered as a very powerful tool for overcoming the storms of life.
Life can be very tough atimes you know, it's all part of the divine agenda that we go through the mess before the message, that we go through trials before the triumph, that you get through the test before the testimony, (that probably sounded like music to you but to me it's more real than I could really explain), so dear friends, what is this secret that I've found? It's the power of Praising God Through Your Problems! You see nothing beats the above statement! Nothing. Trust me friends, if you've prayed and it doesn't seem to work, common get your praise on!
Praise never fails, because you can never praise amiss even though you can pray amiss! Why? because praise is giving to God for whom He is, what He's done and what He's gonna do in your life.
Common people,let's try this key of the Kingdom, GET YOUR PRAISE ON!
He is worthy!
Recommended Reading: The Power of Praise & Worship ( Myles Munroe), The Worship Handbook ( Rick Muchow)
THE FUTURE IS NOW! : Re-defining reality
Most of the time when we talk about the future, we tend to think of it as some very far period in our lives, but I've come come to realise that the future arrives in seconds...surprised? I know it sounds a liitle too simple but it is true. The future you're talking about is gradually,slowly but surely appearing second by second. And every time we procrastinate, we are literally sabotaging our desired future aspirations because the secret of your future lies in what you do daily.
So I as this question? What are you doing daily that is leading to the "better you" of tomorrow? What are your habitual activities,routines and pass-times that is in congruence with where you are headed? Where are you heading in life? If I should wake you up, 4.00 am in the morning and ask you this question : "what is your goal for your life?", what will be your response? Friends, we need to come to the point where we take an inward analysis and ask ourselves some very very serious questions, i call them life-defining questions.
Some life defining quesitons I think worth asking are:
1) What is my major definate purpose in life? What is that thing that I'm out to acheive on this planet earth?
2) What have I done today that is leading me on the path to acheiving my major definate purpose in life?
3) Since, the beginning of this year till now what have a acheived in my spiritual,financial,marital and professional life?
4) Before the year ends, what am I out to achieve?
5) If today where my last day, what would you do? Who would you show more love to, make peace with,evangelise to,care about?
Decide that hence forth, you'll make everyday count. live life consciously not just some haphazard "any-where-belle-face" kind of life style people are so easily swept into. You can become your dream!
Take Charge!
Recommended Reading: You Can Become Your Dream ( Clement Uko), Best The Best (Joel Olseen),Live Your Dreams (Les Brown)
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