Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Hello friends,it's such a pleasure to always come around and share my thoughts on this most exciting blog, and am so glad you're there to read and comment on my posts! Thank you so much, you are highly appreciated.

Some guys pride in the fact that they have faith, and when circumstances that seems to tests their faith comes up, they sing a different song. I have come to know that true faith remains the same irrespective of the circumstances surrounding it! True faith remains calm irrespective of the raging storm! Why? Because it is anchored on the hands of Him that created and controls the storm! You see, untested faith never really amounts to much, because it can only confess but cannot really stand the test!

Your true is faith is known and exposed by how well you're able to weather the storm and remain unfazed by the tempest blowing you right,left and centre because the pillar of your life is in Jehovah! You have to walk the walk and talk the talk when life challenges seems to take hold of you! Know this: God is bigger than all your problems! He cannot and will not forsake you!

Remember this, the just shall live by faith, not by the security of the money in the bank account or on the things that surrounds them. It's in Him we live and move and have our being! You cannot fail if you put your trust in Him who cannot fail! Take Charge!

Recommended Reading: Re-discovering Faith (Myles Munroe)

Friday, December 10, 2010


Hello friends, I really really wanna rush these thoughts to you, it's really urgent I do this. In life and on the journey to success there are certain steps that automatically sets us up for unliftment, and it's about these steps I want to talk about today.

In order to be successful, you must be willing to do today what others cannot do in order to get what others cannot get tomorrow. There is more in you than you are expressing right now. Your life is not a true potential of what you are showing now. You have to make conscious choice to be successful and your life will change when you come to a point when you said "I've had it!".

Below are eleven things I think you must do in other to radically change your life:

1) Listen to motivational messages everyday.
If you do this for 6 months straight, your life will never remain the same.
2) Read 10 to 15 pages of something positive messages every day, this wil impact your behaviour
3) Look at your relationships and upgrade your relationships.
You earn close to 2,000-3,000 dollars of your greatest friends. You need to align yourself to people that are smarter than yourself. Look at your relationships and ask yourself "what is this relationship doing for me? You need to ask this in every area of your life". If you run around 0 broke people, you will eventually be number 10. Who should you "count on" and who do you "count out"?
4) Write down the goals you want to achieve and align them with Matthew 7:7, write out one major goal you want to achieve and read it out 3 times daily.
This acts like hypnotizing you and makes your mind to be programmed to achieve this goal
5) Find an accountability coach
6) Visualize yourself as if you have alrleady achieved all your goals
7) Take full responsibility for your goals,nobody is going to work on your goals more than you.
8) What is it that as you look in your past that is affecting you right now?
9) Stay focused on your goal.
Keep on with your goal, distractions are part of the game. Keep the main time, don't stop, keep on swinging, if you are going through hell don't stop keep on moving. Keep on swinging and the universe will bow to you, the angels will come for you and say to the obstacles, "bow out for him, let him have what he wants, let's look for a wimp today".
10) Write down 12 reasons why you would not fail.
What are those things that are strong enough that you should not fail.
11) Get a coach, attend seminars and personal development programmes.
Life is a fight for territory, once you stop fighting for what you want, what you don't want will automatically take over. When the end comes let it find you climbing a new mountain not sliding down an old one--Jim Rohn. Greatness is a choice not a destiny--Les Brown. You can't see the picture whne you are in the frame. Ask for help, not because you are weak but because of where you want to go. You need a coach,you need a mentor.

Take charge!

Recommended Reading: Live Your Dreams (Les Brown)