Monday, October 25, 2010

THE REAL YOU: The King,Kingdom and His Royal Family!

Hello friends, I love it whenever we come here on "Inspiring Moments" and share some of our thoughts,its always fun! Please keep on sending your texts,calls,comments and contributions;they are invaluable to making this blog the most inspiring forum on the internet!

I want to tell you a story about! The real you is actually a person from a Royal Family, this royal family rules the entire universe! I've finally come to realise the whole essense of life!...please stay with me...I know some on you'll be saying "John don come again!" but please be patient and stay with us on these series of the real you because,after we are through am so sure,you're gonna be very very happy you are alive and part of a big big plan by the King Himself!

The King is God, His Kingdom is heaven and mankind is His Royal Family! So you are actually a Prince and don't even know it, you're a Princess and you're not even living it! That's why seeking wealth should not be your primary pursuit in life! Seek His kingdom and all other things will be added to you! That's a quaranteed statement by the King Himself!

Wow! I really don't wanna rush this topic but believe me on this topic, I know what am talking about sir! You are royalty, a holy nation, you're a son & daughter of the King, and like in all royalties, the issue of wealth is not discussed or rather is a natural part of being a royalty, that's why you cannot afford to be poor! There are assets, houses,cars,companies and great corporation written in your name! They are yours, all things are yours ONLY if you can see them and actually change your thinking (Repent) and begin thinking like God wants you to!

This is very heavy...go over this again...I'll talk with you tomorow! Love y'all my brothers and sisters,fellow kingdom citizens!


Recommended Reading/listening: Kingdom Principles,Re-discovering the Kingdom,The Most Important Person On Earth (Myles Munroe), What Did Jesus Preach? (John Obuku)

Thursday, October 21, 2010

THE REAL YOU: Re-discovering who you really are!

Hello friends, it's always my pleasure to come online and post on this very inspiring forum and share my thoughts of certain issues I find interesting and hope would also interest you. I wanna say thanks to y'all that have been sending your texts,comments and phone calls on how you've been blessed. I do not take them lightly! Thanks for believing in my dream! I am so so grateful!

Yeah!...everyday I see possibilities and the birthing of something great which would soon hit the market with such force that people won't know what hit them! Just watch out and stay on this blog with me. It promises to be a life-changing affair! In these series on "Inspiring Moments with John Obuku", I'll like to go a little spiritual on certain issues, because I've found that throughout history, the truly great men have a strong spiritual centre to which they draw strenght and inspirations.

My strength comes from Jehovah!, sorry to damage your theology or belief system, but hey...listen,listen, you cannot achieve long lasting success that transcends generation without having God on your side! Lets take a roll call on the anals of history, the world greats and legends almost everyone quotes in motivational circles have a very very strong link with God! Dale Carnegie, Henry Ford, Albert Einstein,Wright Brothers,Bill Gates,Jim Rohn,Les Brown,Myles Munroe,Sam Adeyemi,Bishop David Oyedepo,Bishop T.D. Jakes,Pastor Paul Adefarasin etc and the list go on...they all have God as the centre of their lives and strength.

The real you is captured in this very simple statement that many take for granted,you might even miss it when I mention very soon, and here is it: "you are a child of God!",that's it...does it make any meaning to you? I really hope it does... because buried in that simple statement is the whole essence of your life as a human being and it can actually propel you to the next level you are looking for!

We'll talk more on this in the next series on this particular topic.


Recommended Reading: The Self-Discovery Pack-Audio CD (John Obuku)

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Hello friends, hope you've really been blessed and being blessed every time we meet here on "Inspiring Moments", I have to confess that these series have really really changed my life for the better;everyday I see possibilities for a brighter tomorrow! This should be your outlook on life!

Yeah,today we are going to talk about something very very vital, something that actually determines how things turn out in your life. Today's topic is really the main determinant of your success in life! Hmmm...just hang on with me may be saying, "Now John! You've really gone too far now!", but hold on friends, let me land. Your mind set determines who you are, what you do,how you dress, the friends you keep and where you are ultimately heading towards!

Honestly, I wish I could pick up a micro-phone and stand on the highest stage available to tell you and whoever cares to listen that " your mind set ultimately determines how you're gonna spend the rest of your life-whether in riches,joy,peace of mind,living your dreams or in penury,misery,heartbreak and not-living your dreams!".

According to America's most sought-after motivational speaker, Les Brown," you have to be hungry for success to be successful", he goes on to say that "what you feed your mind with everyday, every single, goes a long way to determine how successful you would eventually turn out to be in life". We'll talk more on this in the next blog!

But keep this is mind, the Good Book, the constitution of our Kingdom Country says, "as a man thinketh so is he". Henry Ford said "if you think you can, you are correct;if you think you can't then you are correct!". Keep winning the good life!

Recommended Reading: Live Your Dreams (Les Brown),What Drives Your Life-Audio CD & DVD (John Obuku)

Monday, October 18, 2010


Hello friends, welcome to another time on "Inspiring Moments" and I pray on this particular discussion you would be really blessed and find a new reason to get out of bed every morning for the rest of your life.

I believe the reason people think and feel that life is boring is because of the lack of a sense of purpose- the lack of a reason for being,no drive and exciting things happening in their lives. So how can one become self-motivated and start the purpose-driven life? Hmmm...these are some of the things I would like to share in this blog post.

The issue of purpose is very vital to living an exceptional life, one has to get it straight and really have a clear picture and sense of direction on how he or she live everyday life. Purpose is the reason for being, the intent of the manufacturer that made him to produce the product. The discovery of your God-given purpose is the greatest thing that would ever happen to you,after salvation of your soul!

To lead an exceptional life, you've gotta have drive! What are the things that excites you? What are those things that gives you joy that you love doing? And is your daily life and work built around them? really lead an exceptional life,your job have to be exciting to you!

Are you motivated enough? Do you have reason to wake up 3.00 am every morning to read,sing or write? I believe the reason why people leave the bed late is because they are not motivated enough, they don't have a goal they are passionately pursuing,don't have a burning passion to make any significant influence in their world! Find something that motivates you and getting up early won't be a challenge anymore.

Finally, to live a purpose-driven life, you need to go for knowledge! You need to be an addicted learner! You need to be an addicted reader! Go for rich knowledge! You surpass your peers if you are a serious student of the university of life that is knowledge-driven. Your personal library tells alot about who you are, so what collections of books do you have there?


Recommended Reading: The Purpose-Driven Life (Rick Warren_