Tuesday, February 16, 2010

PERSISTENCE THROUGH THE STORM: Moving ahead in crisis times

I have come to know that it takes the strong to make it in life, it takes the highly talented to make it in life.  It takes the determined and inspired to overcome each obstacles with leaps and bounds, but wait...there are times when the going seems tough ,when all you've planned seems to fall apart!  What do you do? Where do you go?  It's not all the time you are motivated, I for one I live on motivation and being inspired all the time...but I've come to know that you are not always motivated all the time.  So the questions is: what do you do when you seem not to be getting the results you really want to get?

There are also some reasons why you seem to be down.  One of them I think is because you've actually stopped doing somethings you used to do!  Yeah, do a mental check and deeply reflect of your daily routine in order to identify key areas of deviation from your normal inspirational flow!  What are those things that motivates you that you've not been doing "as you used to?", that may just be the key to getting yourself on track and making it through any challenging times you might be presently going through.  A wise proverb says " one of the definations of insanity is to be doing things the same way and expect different results".   You need to define your motivation lines and keep working on them to be betterThere's always a better a way of doing something.

One of the ways I have come to discover as ways to fudge ahead in stormy times is keep on the fire, keep doing those things that get you motivated! You may not be pleasant at the moment but keep doing it! I believe that our relationship with God is very very vital to passing through trying times! You cannot make it without His help, believe me, you need God to succeed! Keep listening to tapes, reading books, praying and talking with God, these are very pivotal to lifing your motivation levels, which ensures you pass through the storms and come out victorious.

You can make it!  Just keep throwing wood into the burn-fire of motivation in your life!  The wood is knowledge, keep reading, keeping studying and very importantly keep praying to God, the giver of your dream.  You will make it!

Recommended Reading:  Tough Times Never Last, Tough People Do ( Robert Schuller)