Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Hello friends,it's such a pleasure to always come around and share my thoughts on this most exciting blog, and am so glad you're there to read and comment on my posts! Thank you so much, you are highly appreciated.

Some guys pride in the fact that they have faith, and when circumstances that seems to tests their faith comes up, they sing a different song. I have come to know that true faith remains the same irrespective of the circumstances surrounding it! True faith remains calm irrespective of the raging storm! Why? Because it is anchored on the hands of Him that created and controls the storm! You see, untested faith never really amounts to much, because it can only confess but cannot really stand the test!

Your true is faith is known and exposed by how well you're able to weather the storm and remain unfazed by the tempest blowing you right,left and centre because the pillar of your life is in Jehovah! You have to walk the walk and talk the talk when life challenges seems to take hold of you! Know this: God is bigger than all your problems! He cannot and will not forsake you!

Remember this, the just shall live by faith, not by the security of the money in the bank account or on the things that surrounds them. It's in Him we live and move and have our being! You cannot fail if you put your trust in Him who cannot fail! Take Charge!

Recommended Reading: Re-discovering Faith (Myles Munroe)

Friday, December 10, 2010


Hello friends, I really really wanna rush these thoughts to you, it's really urgent I do this. In life and on the journey to success there are certain steps that automatically sets us up for unliftment, and it's about these steps I want to talk about today.

In order to be successful, you must be willing to do today what others cannot do in order to get what others cannot get tomorrow. There is more in you than you are expressing right now. Your life is not a true potential of what you are showing now. You have to make conscious choice to be successful and your life will change when you come to a point when you said "I've had it!".

Below are eleven things I think you must do in other to radically change your life:

1) Listen to motivational messages everyday.
If you do this for 6 months straight, your life will never remain the same.
2) Read 10 to 15 pages of something positive messages every day, this wil impact your behaviour
3) Look at your relationships and upgrade your relationships.
You earn close to 2,000-3,000 dollars of your greatest friends. You need to align yourself to people that are smarter than yourself. Look at your relationships and ask yourself "what is this relationship doing for me? You need to ask this in every area of your life". If you run around 0 broke people, you will eventually be number 10. Who should you "count on" and who do you "count out"?
4) Write down the goals you want to achieve and align them with Matthew 7:7, write out one major goal you want to achieve and read it out 3 times daily.
This acts like hypnotizing you and makes your mind to be programmed to achieve this goal
5) Find an accountability coach
6) Visualize yourself as if you have alrleady achieved all your goals
7) Take full responsibility for your goals,nobody is going to work on your goals more than you.
8) What is it that as you look in your past that is affecting you right now?
9) Stay focused on your goal.
Keep on with your goal, distractions are part of the game. Keep the main time, don't stop, keep on swinging, if you are going through hell don't stop keep on moving. Keep on swinging and the universe will bow to you, the angels will come for you and say to the obstacles, "bow out for him, let him have what he wants, let's look for a wimp today".
10) Write down 12 reasons why you would not fail.
What are those things that are strong enough that you should not fail.
11) Get a coach, attend seminars and personal development programmes.
Life is a fight for territory, once you stop fighting for what you want, what you don't want will automatically take over. When the end comes let it find you climbing a new mountain not sliding down an old one--Jim Rohn. Greatness is a choice not a destiny--Les Brown. You can't see the picture whne you are in the frame. Ask for help, not because you are weak but because of where you want to go. You need a coach,you need a mentor.

Take charge!

Recommended Reading: Live Your Dreams (Les Brown)

Friday, November 19, 2010

THE SECRETS TO SUCCESS: Why some are successful and why others are not!

Hello friends it's always a pleasure to hear from you guys I really do enjoy posting on this blog and thanks for your comments and contributions! It's a lovely day and we're goona really enjoy ourselves this time, infact, everyday is a good day!

The last statement above should be our lifestyle! You should have a strong positive outlook to life! That I've come to discover is the secret to success! Success really starts from the mind! I've been doing lots of reading lately and all the books, I mean every single one of them, usually start with a statement like this: "you've got to change your thinking in other to change your life!", " your thoughts create your reality", I mean every single one of them usually say this! I think that is very profound.

Throughout history, all great leaders,philosophers and scientists have always agreed on this singular subject of the power of our thoughts on the outcomes we produce in our lives! In other words, thoughts becomes things! What you focus on grows and eventually materializes in your life! whether good or bad! This may sound shocking but it's the absolute truth! What you focus on most of the time would eventually come to pass in your life! It's only a matter of time, where it be positive or negative!

So really, the secret to success is in this little statement : you become what you think about most of the time! I repeat again for emphasis, "your thoughts becomes things!". So, I enjoin you to do this henceforth, change your thinking pattern for the better, have a positive outlook on life. One of the great life coaches we have around today, Art Williams, said "life would give you what you demand of it!" You would get what you deserve not just what you wish! Hmmm... I think that is very powerful! Please ponder on this statement, and I'll see you in the next post! Enjoy!


Recommended Reading: The Law of Attraction (Moni Arora,The Strangest Secret in the World (Earl Nightingale)

Friday, November 5, 2010

10 VALUES OF A TRUE NIGERIAN: Rebirth of a New Nigeria (Part 2)

Hi there, it's good to be back on these series on "Inspiring Moments with John Obuku", I really hope that these series have been a source of blessing to you and your family for the past few months, it has surely been for me. Please keep on sending in your calls,texts messages and contributions, they are all invaluable to the progress of this blog. Thanks once more.

Below are the remaining half of the 10 values of a true Nigerian, given by Fela Durotoye, please enjoy!:
6) Value Time.
Time is life,money and the currency of the world. Everything in the world gravitates towards the use of time. If you don't value my time, you won't value my wisdom.

7) Care And Show Respect.
Respect is reciprocal, what you give out, the same measure you'll be given again. Let there be mutual respect for both the young and old, one day you'll needing either of them!

8) Consciously Build a Great Legacy.
Live life with the conscious act of making a great impact to your direct sphere of influence. Be a positive change agent. What would you be known for? What are you known for? What is your legacy for your children,community and country?

9) Live A Life of Integrity And Honour.
Your yes should be yes, even if it means displeasing yourself to honour others, do it! It gives you honour and high esteem amongst your peers and those connected to you.

10) Make Your Family, Your Nation and Your Continent and Your God Proud.
Your life should be lived in such a way that it brings glory to your family,nation,continent and God. These groups should look at you and say "yes this is our son, in whom we are well please!".

Wow! That was some mind-blowing stuff over there, please go through the whole ten again, and endeavour you build your life on these principles and truly our Nation Nigeria would turn out to be " the most desirable nation to live in by the year 2025", God bless y'all.

Take Charge!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

10 VALUES OF A TRUE NIGERIAN: Rebirth of a New Nigeria!

Hello friends, it's always a pleasure to come on the net to discuss on this our very wonderful forum "Inspiring Moments with John Obuku", and I'm so so glad you're over there reading this post! You are very very important to me!

Now, for those of you, who have been following me on this blog,you'll know that one of my mentors in life is FD,Fela Durotoye,and I read something on FaceBook today which he posted and I'll love to share it with y'all, infact, he expressly gave the go-ahead to "Live It,Spread It!", so am just obeying to voice of my mentor! Please enjoy!

There are 10 Values according to our most sought after international motivational speaker, Fela Durotoye,of a true Nigerian ( I added notes for emphasis sake ); They are:
1) Make A Positive Impact
You've got to be a positive influence to your environment. You are specially modeled and packaged for your family,community,tribe,state,country,continent and the world!

2) Be A Solution Provider
The pen has its use, the computer,phone,car etc all have their uses! You are custom-made and sent into this world to provide a solution to a specific challenge and problem.

3) Be A Role Model
You are supposed to be a person of influence and power, to whom other people look upto. You are an inspiration to someone somewhere, they look up to you to fulfill their full potential.

4) Be The Best In All You Do
Be committed to excellence, there's no one like you. Try,work and develop yourself to be among the top 10% of high performers in your field.

5) Do The Right Things At All Times
Whatever you do today will speak for you in the future. Your actions today are seeds for your results tomorrow! Do it right, once, always!

Wow! We still have 5 more to go, but I'll give them to you tomorrow! Please, work on the above, "Live it, Spread it!".


Monday, October 25, 2010

THE REAL YOU: The King,Kingdom and His Royal Family!

Hello friends, I love it whenever we come here on "Inspiring Moments" and share some of our thoughts,its always fun! Please keep on sending your texts,calls,comments and contributions;they are invaluable to making this blog the most inspiring forum on the internet!

I want to tell you a story about! The real you is actually a person from a Royal Family, this royal family rules the entire universe! I've finally come to realise the whole essense of life!...please stay with me...I know some on you'll be saying "John don come again!" but please be patient and stay with us on these series of the real you because,after we are through am so sure,you're gonna be very very happy you are alive and part of a big big plan by the King Himself!

The King is God, His Kingdom is heaven and mankind is His Royal Family! So you are actually a Prince and don't even know it, you're a Princess and you're not even living it! That's why seeking wealth should not be your primary pursuit in life! Seek His kingdom and all other things will be added to you! That's a quaranteed statement by the King Himself!

Wow! I really don't wanna rush this topic but believe me on this topic, I know what am talking about sir! You are royalty, a holy nation, you're a son & daughter of the King, and like in all royalties, the issue of wealth is not discussed or rather is a natural part of being a royalty, that's why you cannot afford to be poor! There are assets, houses,cars,companies and great corporation written in your name! They are yours, all things are yours ONLY if you can see them and actually change your thinking (Repent) and begin thinking like God wants you to!

This is very heavy...go over this again...I'll talk with you tomorow! Love y'all my brothers and sisters,fellow kingdom citizens!


Recommended Reading/listening: Kingdom Principles,Re-discovering the Kingdom,The Most Important Person On Earth (Myles Munroe), What Did Jesus Preach? (John Obuku)

Thursday, October 21, 2010

THE REAL YOU: Re-discovering who you really are!

Hello friends, it's always my pleasure to come online and post on this very inspiring forum and share my thoughts of certain issues I find interesting and hope would also interest you. I wanna say thanks to y'all that have been sending your texts,comments and phone calls on how you've been blessed. I do not take them lightly! Thanks for believing in my dream! I am so so grateful!

Yeah!...everyday I see possibilities and the birthing of something great which would soon hit the market with such force that people won't know what hit them! Just watch out and stay on this blog with me. It promises to be a life-changing affair! In these series on "Inspiring Moments with John Obuku", I'll like to go a little spiritual on certain issues, because I've found that throughout history, the truly great men have a strong spiritual centre to which they draw strenght and inspirations.

My strength comes from Jehovah!, sorry to damage your theology or belief system, but hey...listen,listen, you cannot achieve long lasting success that transcends generation without having God on your side! Lets take a roll call on the anals of history, the world greats and legends almost everyone quotes in motivational circles have a very very strong link with God! Dale Carnegie, Henry Ford, Albert Einstein,Wright Brothers,Bill Gates,Jim Rohn,Les Brown,Myles Munroe,Sam Adeyemi,Bishop David Oyedepo,Bishop T.D. Jakes,Pastor Paul Adefarasin etc and the list go on...they all have God as the centre of their lives and strength.

The real you is captured in this very simple statement that many take for granted,you might even miss it when I mention very soon, and here is it: "you are a child of God!",that's it...does it make any meaning to you? I really hope it does... because buried in that simple statement is the whole essence of your life as a human being and it can actually propel you to the next level you are looking for!

We'll talk more on this in the next series on this particular topic.


Recommended Reading: The Self-Discovery Pack-Audio CD (John Obuku)

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Hello friends, hope you've really been blessed and being blessed every time we meet here on "Inspiring Moments", I have to confess that these series have really really changed my life for the better;everyday I see possibilities for a brighter tomorrow! This should be your outlook on life!

Yeah,today we are going to talk about something very very vital, something that actually determines how things turn out in your life. Today's topic is really the main determinant of your success in life! Hmmm...just hang on with me may be saying, "Now John! You've really gone too far now!", but hold on friends, let me land. Your mind set determines who you are, what you do,how you dress, the friends you keep and where you are ultimately heading towards!

Honestly, I wish I could pick up a micro-phone and stand on the highest stage available to tell you and whoever cares to listen that " your mind set ultimately determines how you're gonna spend the rest of your life-whether in riches,joy,peace of mind,living your dreams or in penury,misery,heartbreak and not-living your dreams!".

According to America's most sought-after motivational speaker, Les Brown," you have to be hungry for success to be successful", he goes on to say that "what you feed your mind with everyday, every single, goes a long way to determine how successful you would eventually turn out to be in life". We'll talk more on this in the next blog!

But keep this is mind, the Good Book, the constitution of our Kingdom Country says, "as a man thinketh so is he". Henry Ford said "if you think you can, you are correct;if you think you can't then you are correct!". Keep winning the good life!

Recommended Reading: Live Your Dreams (Les Brown),What Drives Your Life-Audio CD & DVD (John Obuku)

Monday, October 18, 2010


Hello friends, welcome to another time on "Inspiring Moments" and I pray on this particular discussion you would be really blessed and find a new reason to get out of bed every morning for the rest of your life.

I believe the reason people think and feel that life is boring is because of the lack of a sense of purpose- the lack of a reason for being,no drive and exciting things happening in their lives. So how can one become self-motivated and start the purpose-driven life? Hmmm...these are some of the things I would like to share in this blog post.

The issue of purpose is very vital to living an exceptional life, one has to get it straight and really have a clear picture and sense of direction on how he or she live everyday life. Purpose is the reason for being, the intent of the manufacturer that made him to produce the product. The discovery of your God-given purpose is the greatest thing that would ever happen to you,after salvation of your soul!

To lead an exceptional life, you've gotta have drive! What are the things that excites you? What are those things that gives you joy that you love doing? And is your daily life and work built around them? really lead an exceptional life,your job have to be exciting to you!

Are you motivated enough? Do you have reason to wake up 3.00 am every morning to read,sing or write? I believe the reason why people leave the bed late is because they are not motivated enough, they don't have a goal they are passionately pursuing,don't have a burning passion to make any significant influence in their world! Find something that motivates you and getting up early won't be a challenge anymore.

Finally, to live a purpose-driven life, you need to go for knowledge! You need to be an addicted learner! You need to be an addicted reader! Go for rich knowledge! You surpass your peers if you are a serious student of the university of life that is knowledge-driven. Your personal library tells alot about who you are, so what collections of books do you have there?


Recommended Reading: The Purpose-Driven Life (Rick Warren_

Friday, September 24, 2010

WEALTH BUILDING PLAN: Applying different time-tested strategies!

Hello friends, I'm so glad am able to share this with you. I was just going through my old manuscripts and I came across an article I wrote over a year ago, and guess what?...the title of the article is "Wealth Building Strategies!". Isn't it amazing? Wow! I believe this our series on wealth creation,management and multiplication is divinely ordained!

Below are the content of that write-up:

There are many "wealth Building Strategies",my advice to you is to pick one and decide to apply it for the next one year and see the results, if its not too effective, switch to another one, and work at it for the next one year.

The truth about it is that these wealth building plans all work because they are actually time-tested principles;all you need is strict discipline. Research have shown that less than 10% of people in a conference or seminar, or who have even read "success principles,wealth building strategies" etc like this will ever apply what they are taught here, my goal is to make you part of that 10% that will act on this information. And possibly set a new record of having 50% compliance.

Money will magnify what you really are. There are many super stars people celebrate that are wealthy but living a misearable life. Many of them are trapped with drugs,drunkeness & alcholism, womanising & drugs, infact it takes their personal aids to clean them up and they shoot themselves high with drugs, then come on stage to perform & people celebrate & clap for them, whereas they themselves are sad and their hearts are crying for freedom.

You see,money is not actually meant to give you joy...surprised?...pls don't can give you happiness but not joy! That's why you should settle it in your heart that money will not control you rather the opposite should be the case. You have to settle it in your heart that the reason you want to be a millionaire for God is to :
(1) Promote His Kingdom
(2) Bless your family
(3) Bless your community.

These should be your money goals. These should be the reason you want to be rich and build enduring wealth that would last from generation to generation.

Wow!...I hope you got something from all I've said so far! Next on these series,we'll be looking at different wealth building plans and how you can go about applying them. See you at the top!

Recommended Reading: Total Package,Multiple Streams of Income(Robert G. Allen),Rules of Wealth

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Hello friends, I want us to continue on the episode of "The Wealth-Building Plan", so this topic the millionaire formular is actually about those wealth-building schemes and methods I've been able to uncover through research and study.

I'll try as much as possible to share all I've found and hopefully we all will be co-implementors and we willl well be on our way to building durable wealth for ourselves and our families! You've got to get is absolutely resolved in your heart right now that you are going to sit down,roll-up your selves and get down to some real hard work, for you to be financially free and wealthy.

The Millionaire Formular is one that states that for you to get rich, you have to break the Parkinson's Law- Expenses Always Rises Up to meet Income. Haven't you notices that the more money you make the more your so-called "responsibilities"? is because of this Parkinson's Law.

People tend to engage in more expenses as soon as they attain a new level of income. This is what keeps most of us bound and trapped in financial quagmire, it's called impulse buying and financial indiscipline. For you to be rich and build wealth, impulse buying is something you should guard against!

The Millionaire Formular states that there are four(4) steps to take for breaking the Parkinson's Law and thus breaking into the realm of riches and wealth. They are :
1) 10% of your income should go to Tithe or Charity.
2) 30% of your income should go to Living Expenses.
3) 30% of your income should go to Fun & Adventure.
4) 30% of your income should go to Savings & Investments.

I'll expantiate on these in the next blog! See you at the top!

Recommended Reading: If You Want To Be Rich You've Gotta Break The Law (Ron Hensley)

WEALTH BUILDING PLAN: The gateway out of poverty

The issue of financial freedom is one that should be systematically dealt with. You cannot be financially free if you don't have a financial-get-away plan! Wealth building is a process, it's not one get-rich-quick formular that people are usually hoping and praying to have.

It's amazing to know the number of people who go through life just believing for a lucky-break or a financial wind-fall in order to make it in life! Whereas, all the wealth-building plans I've been priviledged to come across has alot to do with hard work, and not mere day-dreaming and wishful thinking of some lazy minds and hands!

A Wealth-Building-Plan is one that has been tested and proven to work,and which produces durable wealth. It is a plan designed to create financial discipline and a systematic way of saving and investing one's income. The truth has to be said that becoming rich is not an over-night thing that's why it is called a "building plan". It really has to do with a lot of hard work,planning,implementation,diversification and re-planning, really wealth-building is not for the faint-hearted!

You have to actually build and grow your wealth. So if you are looking for a truly lasting riches, be ready to build it and forget about all these get-rich-quick schemes you see around.

In this episodes of "Wealth Building Plans", I'll be sharing some formulars and various plans that wealthy individuals have put into practice and has yielded results for them. So relax and really follow me on these series, you won't regret you did.

So, till next time take charge!

Recommended Reading: The Conspiracy of the Rich,Retire Young,Retire Rich(Robert Kiyosaki),Rich Woman (Kim Kiyosaki)

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

MULTIPLE STREAMS OF INCOME: The unavoidable path to financial freedom

Hello friends, I'd like to talk about Multiple streams of income in this post. The issue of money is one that the whole world is involved in everyday. Infact, you'r not truly successful untill you have some level of financial freedom, and I'v come to discover that financial freedom, real financial freedom comes from having several channels through which money comes into your life!

If you truly want to be financially free,then,developing and operating multiple income streams is something that is not an option for you. You just have to settle it that you're gonna succeed irrespective of the obtables before you or the challenges you have to overcome! I say this again for exphasisn,If you really want to be financially free, develop and operate on multiple streams of income!

Financial experts have said an individual has to have at least four income streams that feeds their lives! Check out all the wealthy people you can find, they all have more than one source of income! You can't get rich with your salaried work. You can't get rich by working for somebody else all your life! You only get rich by operating your own business! While you maintain your salary job, seek for a line of business in which you are interested in and follow it,develop it, invest money and your off-work time to it.

You should actually develop income streams according to your giftings,talents and interests! There are several ideas on how to build multiple streams of income to gain financial freedom, especially in this age of information overload, you don't have an excuse to be poor! There's a talent in you that needs developing! There is something about you that you can commercialize and establish and breakthrough with! Find your giftings and find your sources of income!

We will continue on this pertinent and over-relevant issue in this our modern times! You are too strong to loose!

Take Charge!

Recommended Reading: Multiple Streams of Income (Robert G. Allen),Ideas Rule the World (Sam Adeyemi),Maximizing Your Potential (Myles Munroe), The Richest Man in Babylon for the 21st Century.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


In life I have come to discover that there's one very vital and important aspect of our lives that almost single-handedly determines what we get out of life. I beleive that the level of success we experience in life is directly related to our personality. What does your personality type speak to people about who you are? When you walk into a room what message do you send out? Mike Murdock says "we are walking messages". The way we talk,walk and dress is sending a message to people about who we are.

It has been said that the greatest profession in life is selling, and everyone is involved in it in one way or the other. We are all selling something everyday; you sell yourself to your family in other for them to buy into your idea of how the family should be run. You sell yourself to your employer to employ you or even keep you on the job! You sell yourself to your spouse in other for him/her to commit into marriage with you! Common, we are in the business of selling and we don't even know it! Even God has to come down and sell the idea of a Kingdom of Heaven to mankind in other to win us over! What else is there to say?

So,I ask you this question,what are you selling? The way you dress,talk and walk is actually selling your product to those in your sphere of influence! Funny enough, you may not be aware of it, but you've been selling stuff long enough that certain notions and stereo-types have be formed about you already!...Surprised? Please don't be.

The good news is that you can stop and start to consciously sell your desired product, all you have to do is to change your mentality and your focus and all other things will automatically fall in place. You can have all the success you want, attract the best of friends and people into your life, attract financial resources and so much more when you begin to sell the right product through your personality type.

Well, this is a journey I'll not want to rush with this post. We'll continue on it with the one,so hang on folks. I'll like to end here by quoting the words of Sam Adeyemi, he says this about success, "Success is who you are", now I don't think I can really over-emphasize that statement.

Take Charge!

Recommended Reading
: Be the Best You (Joel Osteen)

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


Hello friends, recently I was listening to one of my mentors and he said something that really got me thinking deep. Infact this has been one of my earlier thoughts and guiding principles, but for some time now, I've sort of left it, but thank God for mentors;they have a way of jump-starting you, when you seemed to be flat-footed! If you don't have a mentor who speaks into your life daily, you'll not be able to go far!

Mentors tell you where you are going wrong. They keep the fire of your dreams burning because in them, you see your aspired future. They've gone through stuff you'r presently going through and can give useful advice on how to overcome them without repeating their own mistakes. Please, find worthy mentors to guide you through your path of life! I can't over-emphasize this!

Now,back to what I earlier wanted to talk to you about...He said something like this " there are many old men who are regretting at their old age because they now realise that there are many things they would have done while they were younger! I want to ask you sir, ma, what is that thing that you're postponing and have not done yet,which you would regret when you are old? What is that burning desire in your heart that you really want to give birth to but you're afraid saying "will this work?"," I don't think anybody has done this before"...friends, unless you fulfil those dreams that God has given you, you won't be trully happy and fulfilled in life.

Five years down the lane what would you have become? Ten years from today that you are reading this post what would you have become? Let me give you a sneek preview, Ten years from now you will be exactly where you are in your dreams,goals,visions and aspirations for your life. I beg you, if you're still confused about what you are here on earth for please kindly do well to pick up books from the list of recommended reading below, I know you'll not fail!

Whatever you desire to do in life, God has built into you the capability to do them. You have been hard-wired to fulfill that burning desire in your heart. I wish you the best. Remember, the sky is never crowded for those who are willing to fly. Common, believe that you can fly, spread your wings, take the leap of faith and you'll see yourself soaring over the storms of life and reaching heights you've always dreamt of. IT IS POSSIBLE, I BELIEVE IN YOUR DREAMS!

Take Charge! You are too strong to loose!

Recommended Reading: Understanding Your Potential,Releasing Your Potential and Maximizing Your Potential,In Pursuit of Purpose,The Burden of Freedom,Take Charge (Myles Munroe),The Purpose Driven Life (Rick Warren),The Assignment,Three Most Important Things in Your Life (Mike Murdock)

Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Peak Performance is something I would like to describe as the full use of ones potential. It is a state of absolute dexterity in carrying out one's duties as a result of constant practice and a deep sense of purpose and drive for achievment. Peak Performers are those that always want to be in the high enchelon on their desired profession.

Peak performance is a word that has to do with how a person decides to set high standards for himself and does everything possible to the best of his abilities to achieve these set standards. Achieving peak performance is by no means a small feat, you have to be up to it every second and everyday! I want you to settle it in your heart that henceforth, you'll become a peak performer in your field.

The steps needed to attain performance are quite many and challenging when compared to our ordinary disposition as individuals. Funny enough they are things we are usually used to,I mean, the concepts are not entirely new to you but the question is that of...have you been practising them? Are you willing to make certain sacrifices? and place higher demands on your use of time and resources at your disposal.

Here are some essentials for peak performance:

a) You must be an individual with high drive for success.You must have a burning desire to succeed. You should sleep,eat,walk and talk about your goals, your goals should be your obsession. And just like Mike Murdock puts it "In order to succeed your assignment must become an obsession".

b) You must have clearly written down goals that are Specific,Measurable,Achievable,Realistic and Time-bound (S.M.A.R.T Goals).
A man without a goal is like a ship without a destination, it would end up nowhere.

c) You must have a vision for your life that your daily activities are constantly moving you towards. Without vision, no great feats are attained.Without vision,getting out of bed in the morning becomes very cumbersome.

d) Who are your reference points? Who are those you usually associate with? Who are your mentors in business and in faith? You eventually become like your mentors. So watch those to whom you allow to speak into your life.

e) You need a daily communion with the giver of your dreams. Your spiritual life should be sound. After all, things in the spirit controls those in the physical. You need direction and instruction for every aspect of the journey.

I hope you enjoyed this. See you soon. Take charge! You're to strong to loose.

Recommended Reading:Awakening the Giant Within,Unlimited Power (Anthony Robbins),Maximizing Your Potential (Myles Munroe)

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

THE ZEST FOR SUCCESS: Keeping your eyes on the prize

Hello friends,I noticed recently some very funny trend in a man's life, especially as he begins to aspire to become someone of influence and significance. I noticed that it's not always that you are motivated to keep working at your goal! It's not always that you feel like getting up by 2 am and pick up that book and begin to read for that professional exam...hmmm... it's not everytime.

So, the question I ask is this: What would you do to keep your motivation levels at peak point and hence sustain your steady approach to achieving your goals and aspirations? I feel this is profoundly important that one addresses this issue,especially when you know that you are cut-out to achieve great and lofty ideals in life. You need to stay motivated and have enough firepower in your armory in order to win this battle of life.

I believe that to sustain your motivation level requires you keeping your goals ever before you. Now this may sound simple but believe me, it's one of the most difficult things you'll every try doing. I believe to keep your focus you need to have what I call a Zest for success- that is, you should be able to have an overwhelming burning desire that totally consumes you with a sense of purpose and mission as your goals. You should be resolutely sold to your course believing in no other possibilities than a resounding success.

The zest for success is achieved by constantly digesting materials that feed your mind. You need to get every page of inspirational writings and motivational tapes you can lay hold on, because, the more fired you are, the greater the level of zest you feel towards achieving your best. So, the steps are actually what we must have been familiar to from our previous teachings on these series.

Remember the greatest secret in the world? We become what we think about! Where you are now have a direct relation of how you see yourself and the type of work you do. So how big is your dream?

See you at the very top! Take Charge!

Recommended Reading: Success is who you are (Sam Adeyemi)

Thursday, July 15, 2010

FAILURE IS NOT AN OPTION: Getting your priorities right

Hello there, you are welcome to another time of "Inspiring Moments" with John Obuku. It's been quiet a while and goosh! what a big break! Am really glad to be back.

Over the past few months I have been going through certain things and have come to learn some very valuable life lessons...see friends, it's not just about talking the talk but it's really about walking the walk. In life you've got to match your actions with your words because it's your actions that actually determines who you really are.

Have you ever been in situations when it seems as if all you've planned for seem not to be coming to pass? When it actually seems as if you are between the devil and the deep blue sea? Those dark moments when you actually question your dreams and aspirations and ask if they are realistic and possible to happen in your life? Does that sounds familiar...hmmm...friends, you are not alone. Here's the good news...failure is not an option!

For the fact that you've envisioned yourself succeeding in proof that He who has shown you the picture of your future is more than able to fulfill it. He would not show you what He cannot bring to pass in your life. Those dreams are possible that's why He planted them into your heart. The real challenge here is that "do you believe you can still acheive those lofty goals despite the present circumstances surrounding you?".

I believe in order to succeed, an individual have to get his/her priorities right! You have to exclusively believe that what you've dreamt of is what you are going to get! It's called persistence,faith,burning desire, undying have to clearly settle it in your heart that success is the only option you have. You were sent here on earth for something significant...reach for it...believe it...act towards it... get connected to the giver of your dreams and you can't fail...

See you at the very top! Take Charge!

Recommended Reading: It's Not Over Till It's Over (Matthew Ashimolowo)

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

PERSISTENCE THROUGH THE STORM: Moving ahead in crisis times

I have come to know that it takes the strong to make it in life, it takes the highly talented to make it in life.  It takes the determined and inspired to overcome each obstacles with leaps and bounds, but wait...there are times when the going seems tough ,when all you've planned seems to fall apart!  What do you do? Where do you go?  It's not all the time you are motivated, I for one I live on motivation and being inspired all the time...but I've come to know that you are not always motivated all the time.  So the questions is: what do you do when you seem not to be getting the results you really want to get?

There are also some reasons why you seem to be down.  One of them I think is because you've actually stopped doing somethings you used to do!  Yeah, do a mental check and deeply reflect of your daily routine in order to identify key areas of deviation from your normal inspirational flow!  What are those things that motivates you that you've not been doing "as you used to?", that may just be the key to getting yourself on track and making it through any challenging times you might be presently going through.  A wise proverb says " one of the definations of insanity is to be doing things the same way and expect different results".   You need to define your motivation lines and keep working on them to be betterThere's always a better a way of doing something.

One of the ways I have come to discover as ways to fudge ahead in stormy times is keep on the fire, keep doing those things that get you motivated! You may not be pleasant at the moment but keep doing it! I believe that our relationship with God is very very vital to passing through trying times! You cannot make it without His help, believe me, you need God to succeed! Keep listening to tapes, reading books, praying and talking with God, these are very pivotal to lifing your motivation levels, which ensures you pass through the storms and come out victorious.

You can make it!  Just keep throwing wood into the burn-fire of motivation in your life!  The wood is knowledge, keep reading, keeping studying and very importantly keep praying to God, the giver of your dream.  You will make it!

Recommended Reading:  Tough Times Never Last, Tough People Do ( Robert Schuller)